This survey of the high school mathematics and science
requirements for admission to the 11 colleges of engineering in
Massachusetts in 2003 provides interesting facts in Tables 3 and 4. It
is no longer clear if the required coursework is taught in high school
mathematics and science departments in this country because of the
“college-ready” tests now given in grades 10, 11, and/or 12 based on the
standards in the Common Core and NGSS. Nor is it known what the
mathematics and science requirements now are (if changed) for the
traditional four-year undergraduate programs in this country’s
engineering colleges.
This survey, compiled by Christine Shaw at the Massachusetts Department of Education in 2003, was undertaken to inform school districts in New England and elsewhere what mathematics and science coursework should be available in their high schools for students seeking to enroll in post-high school colleges of engineering in Massachusetts.