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- Texas School Districts Violated a Law Intended to Add Transparency to Local Elections 29/04/2024
- The Malfunction of US Education Policy: Elite Misinformation, Disinformation and Selfishness [book review] 07/09/2023
- The Malfunction of US Education Policy: Elite Misinformation, Disinformation and Selfishness [book review] 04/08/2023
Category Archives: Education Writers Association
The High Price of the Education Writers Association’s News
EWA’s Form 990 tax filings to the IRS for the five tax years 2015 to 2019 reveal the following: Tax Year | Membership Dues ($000s) | Contributions (gifts, grants, etc.) ($000s)2015 | 19.2 | 2,797.82016 | 20.6 | 3,419.62017 | … Continue reading
The Malfunction of US Education Policy: Elite Misinformation, Disinformation, and Selfishness
Looks like ebook/kindle version is now available. “Look Inside” feature on Amazon shows Preface and Intro. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-malfunction-of-us-education-policy-richard-p-phelps-founder-of-nonpartisan-education-review-author-and-editor-of-correcting-fallacies-about-educa/1142557816 https://www.amazon.com/Malfunction-Education-Policy-Misinformation-Disinformation/dp/1475869940/
What I learned at the ResearchED (US) Media Panel
For those still unfamiliar with it, ResearchED is “a grass-roots, teacher led organisation” founded in the UK whose mission is to “raise research literacy, bring people together, promote collaboration, increase awareness, promote research, and explore what works.” It has also … Continue reading
The Education Writers Association casts its narrowing gaze on Boston, May 1-3
The Education Writers Association casts its narrowing gaze on Boston, May 1-3 Billions have been spent, and continue to be spent, promoting the Common Core Standards and their associated consortium tests, PARCC and SBAC. Nonetheless, the “Initiative” has been stopped … Continue reading