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- Math Anxiety 13/01/2025
- New article: Fact-checking Research Claims about Math Education in Manitoba 14/12/2024
- New article: Qianruo Shen’s “Integrated Curriculum Reform and its Impact on Science Education — Why is the West Falling Behind East Asia in PISA and TIMSS?” 09/12/2024
- Comments on Zearn’s “Myth of the Math Kid” 15/08/2024
- Texas School Districts Violated a Law Intended to Add Transparency to Local Elections 29/04/2024
- The Malfunction of US Education Policy: Elite Misinformation, Disinformation and Selfishness [book review] 07/09/2023
- The Malfunction of US Education Policy: Elite Misinformation, Disinformation and Selfishness [book review] 04/08/2023
Category Archives: Education journalism
Comments on Zearn’s “Myth of the Math Kid”
https://time.com/7008332/math-kid-myth-essay/ I really find these kinds of articles tiresome, because the accusations or “myths” as expressed by Shalinee Sharma, are assumptions made by people who are generalizing about all math teaching in order to peddle their programs. The first myth … Continue reading
Posted in Curriculum & Instruction, Education journalism, Joye Walker, K-12, math, Mathematics, STEM
Tagged accuracy, aptitude, math ability, math education, Shalinee Sharma, TIME magazine, Zearn
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The Malfunction of US Education Policy: Elite Misinformation, Disinformation and Selfishness [book review]
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, April 2023, 196 pages, ISBN 9781475869941 With scholarly precision, Phelps details the collection of actors that have driven and continue to propel U.S. education policy and preferred narratives. In doing so, he has laid out a … Continue reading
Posted in Common Core, Education Fraud, Education journalism, Education policy, Education Reform, information suppression, K-12, partisanship, research ethics, Richard P. Phelps, US Education Department
Tagged Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, citation cartels, CRESST, information suppression, pack funding, strategic partnerships, think tanks
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Mississippi: Progress Commanding Attention or Outright Miracle?
Due to comments from others about Mississippi, I thought it would be useful to post a short message with some of the data I have been looking at recently that tells me while Mississippi’s educational improvements are not in the … Continue reading
The High Price of the Education Writers Association’s News
EWA’s Form 990 tax filings to the IRS for the five tax years 2015 to 2019 reveal the following: Tax Year | Membership Dues ($000s) | Contributions (gifts, grants, etc.) ($000s)2015 | 19.2 | 2,797.82016 | 20.6 | 3,419.62017 | … Continue reading
The Malfunction of US Education Policy: Elite Misinformation, Disinformation, and Selfishness
Looks like ebook/kindle version is now available. “Look Inside” feature on Amazon shows Preface and Intro. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-malfunction-of-us-education-policy-richard-p-phelps-founder-of-nonpartisan-education-review-author-and-editor-of-correcting-fallacies-about-educa/1142557816 https://www.amazon.com/Malfunction-Education-Policy-Misinformation-Disinformation/dp/1475869940/
Response to John Merrow’s advocacy of Project-based Learning
John Merrow has started a series of posts advocating project based learning. I just posted the following to his website: Project-Based Learning, part two John, It’s disappointing to see you disparaging the teaching of factual information: “I also endorsed project-based learning … Continue reading
The Hechinger Report on college admission testing
Like most education-focused news outlets, the Hechinger Report claims that it “provides in-depth, fact-based, unbiased reporting.” Yet, somehow, it usually ends up dishing the same old formulaic propaganda supportive of education insiders. Their October 9 story, “Questioning their fairness, a … Continue reading
Posted in College prep, Education journalism, Higher Education, Richard P. Phelps, Testing/Assessment
Tagged ACT, college admission, SAT
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Beware New Quality Counts State Rankings
Education Week just released the final segment on its 2019 ranking of state education systems, and it is unfortunate that this generally pretty good news outlet continues to mess this up. Point of Order: I just ranked Kentucky’ s All … Continue reading
Posted in Education journalism, Education policy, K-12, Richard Innes, Testing/Assessment
Tagged Education Week, Kentucky, NAEP, statistics
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Back to school means education news stories …for a while
It’s that time of year again. As millions of youngsters return to school, thousands of journalists cast about for a once-a-year education-themed story. As one might expect with such sporadic attention, many of the August/September stories will be light and … Continue reading
New “science and society” podcast
ANNOUNCING: Critically Speaking, a new podcast series hosted by Therese Markow, who writes: ” … we separate facts from fallacies at the intersection of science and society. “Every day we make decisions that affect our own lives, … Continue reading
Keeping Journalists in the Dark: ‘Citation Cartels’ Limit Public Knowledge
Keeping Journalists in the Dark: ‘Citation Cartels’ Limit Public Knowledge The public relies on journalists to learn about and share academic research. Public knowledge can be undermined, however, when academics try to influence what research journalists cover or limit the … Continue reading
The elitist strain in US education journalism
Some years ago, during the heat of a presidential campaign I assembled some policy-relevant and time-sensitive research on the top education policy topic of the day. I could have published the work myself as, it so happens, I ended up … Continue reading
Letter to NPR’s Ari Shapiro and producers of their “individualized learning” podcast
From: Erich Martel Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2018 To: ‘mediarelations@npr.org’ Dear Ari Shapiro and Individualized Learning (and Project Based Learning) Podcast Producers, I want to make three points re “Individualized Learning” and all claims pertaining to education: 1) Always look … Continue reading
Common Core Collaborators: Six Organizational Portraits
New in the Nonpartisan Education Review: https://nonpartisaneducation.org/Review/Articles/CommonCoreCollaborators.htm Phelps, R. P. (2018). Common Core Collaborators: Six Organizational Portraits. Nonpartisan Education Review/Articles, 14(3–7). – The Organization Named Achieve: Cradle of Common Core Cronyism – The Council of Chief State School Officers and … Continue reading
Posted in Censorship, College prep, Common Core, Curriculum & Instruction, Education journalism, Education policy, Education Reform, Higher Education, information suppression, K-12, partisanship, research ethics, Richard P. Phelps, Testing/Assessment
Tagged Achieve, Bellwether, CCSSO, College Board, Collegeboard, Fordham, NGA
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What I learned at the ResearchED (US) Media Panel
For those still unfamiliar with it, ResearchED is “a grass-roots, teacher led organisation” founded in the UK whose mission is to “raise research literacy, bring people together, promote collaboration, increase awareness, promote research, and explore what works.” It has also … Continue reading
New in the Nonpartisan Education Review: Dan Koretz’s Big Con
The Testing Charade: Pretending to Make Schools Better, by Daniel Koretz [book review] Reviewed by Richard P. Phelps http://nonpartisaneducation.org/Review/Reviews/v13n1.htm
The Gates Effect: Common Core Has Powerful Ally Keeping Unpopular Program Alive
https://ivn.us/2017/09/06/common-core-has-powerful-ally-keeping-unpopular-program-alive/ …at the Independent Voter Network website, https://IVN.US .
Significance of PISA math results
A new round of two international comparisons of student mathematics performance came out recently and there was a lot of interest because the reports were almost simultaneous, TIMSS[1] in late November 2016 and PISA[2] just a week later. They are … Continue reading
Posted in Education journalism, Education policy, Education Reform, information suppression, K-12, Mathematics, OECD, Testing/Assessment, Uncategorized, Wayne Bishop
Tagged Finland, OECD, PISA, TIMSS
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John Hopkins flawed report on Kentucky
It looks like a recent, very problematic report from Johns Hopkins University, “For All Kids, How Kentucky is Closing the High School Graduation Gap for Low-Income Students,” is likely to get pushed well beyond the Bluegrass State’s borders. The publishers … Continue reading
101 Terms for Denigrating Others’ Research
In scholarly terms, a review of the literature or literature review is a summation of the previous research conducted on a particular topic. With a dismissive literature review, a researcher assures the public that no one has yet studied a … Continue reading