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- Comments on Zearn’s “Myth of the Math Kid” 15/08/2024
- Texas School Districts Violated a Law Intended to Add Transparency to Local Elections 29/04/2024
- The Malfunction of US Education Policy: Elite Misinformation, Disinformation and Selfishness [book review] 07/09/2023
- The Malfunction of US Education Policy: Elite Misinformation, Disinformation and Selfishness [book review] 04/08/2023
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- The High Price of the Education Writers Association’s News 28/03/2023
- The Malfunction of US Education Policy: Elite Misinformation, Disinformation, and Selfishness 25/03/2023
- Bryan on Comments on Zearn’s “Myth of the Math Kid”
- Betty Peters on Reading Before Writing
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- Samuel Adams Richardson, Sr. on Cheating in the Classroom: We all have a choice
Category Archives: Curriculum & Instruction
Should we switch from mandated “standardized” tests to mandated “performance” tests?
Sandra Stotsky, August 1, 2019 According to many education writers in this country, there are no tests in Finnish schools, at least no “mandated standardized tests.” That phrase was carefully hammered out by Smithsonian Magazine to exclude the many no- … Continue reading
Richard Phelps: Is our education system failing us? Critically Speaking
CriticallySpeak @CritiSpeak https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/013-dr-richard-phelps-is-our-education-system-failing-us/id1463016517?i=1000445232433 K12 is in trouble! Johnny can’t read, write or do arithmetic, even with a college degree. Interview with Dr. Richard Phelps CriticallySpeaking podcast Critically Speaking on Apple Podcasts @@string1@@ · 2019 podcasts.apple.com
Education Next, the Fordham Institute, and Common Core
In years of observing the behavior of staff at the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation and Institute I haven’t noticed much of the “open-mindedness and humility” claimed on its website.[1] More common has been a proclivity to suppress dissent, shun or … Continue reading
New “science and society” podcast
ANNOUNCING: Critically Speaking, a new podcast series hosted by Therese Markow, who writes: ” … we separate facts from fallacies at the intersection of science and society. “Every day we make decisions that affect our own lives, … Continue reading
Mathematics and Science Courses Required or Recommended for Admission into Engineering and Engineering Technology Programs at Massachusetts Institutions of Higher Education (2003)
https://nonpartisaneducation.org/Review/Resources/MassMathEngReqs.htm This survey of the high school mathematics and science requirements for admission to the 11 colleges of engineering in Massachusetts in 2003 provides interesting facts in Tables 3 and 4. It is no longer clear if the required coursework … Continue reading
News Flash! AL’s Senate Pro Tem, who has previously stopped all anti-CC bills, filed an anti-CC bill today
http://alisondb.legislature.state.al.us/alison/searchableinstruments/2019RS/bills/SB119.htm?fbclid=IwAR1PKg4sFJhE3A1QxjyAJDPTQm6V2HTJ306VURV2jm-17KGp7lR7MBBxFNo The AL Senate has 35 members; 27 sponsored it.
Links to articles on standards-based grading
Competency based ed which is the method that will come as an outgrowth of SBG. What is measured will improve. So this from Peter Greene applies. https://curmudgucation.blogspot.com/2015/11/can-competency-based-education-be.html?m=1
Interesting review of Arne Duncan’s book, by fellow Chicagoan Bill Ayers
https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R1X8WUX1KNXQ3B/ref=cm_cr_getr_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=1501173065 Arne Doesn’t Learn customer review, by Dr. William C. Ayers If you pick up Arne Duncan’s How Schools Work hoping to learn something about, well, unsurprisingly I suppose, about “how schools work,” you’ll be sorely disappointed. There’s no policy … Continue reading
Letter to NPR’s Ari Shapiro and producers of their “individualized learning” podcast
From: Erich Martel Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2018 To: ‘mediarelations@npr.org’ Dear Ari Shapiro and Individualized Learning (and Project Based Learning) Podcast Producers, I want to make three points re “Individualized Learning” and all claims pertaining to education: 1) Always look … Continue reading
Common Core Collaborators: Six Organizational Portraits
New in the Nonpartisan Education Review: https://nonpartisaneducation.org/Review/Articles/CommonCoreCollaborators.htm Phelps, R. P. (2018). Common Core Collaborators: Six Organizational Portraits. Nonpartisan Education Review/Articles, 14(3–7). – The Organization Named Achieve: Cradle of Common Core Cronyism – The Council of Chief State School Officers and … Continue reading
Posted in Censorship, College prep, Common Core, Curriculum & Instruction, Education journalism, Education policy, Education Reform, Higher Education, information suppression, K-12, partisanship, research ethics, Richard P. Phelps, Testing/Assessment
Tagged Achieve, Bellwether, CCSSO, College Board, Collegeboard, Fordham, NGA
1 Comment
State of ELA under Common Core
The Fordham Institute just came out with its “research” on reading and writing under Common Core. Fordham 2018 “research” No mention of three baseline studies that preceded Common Core. Stotsky, Goering, Jolliffe study of Arkansas high school English teachers’ assignments … Continue reading
My letter to Bill Gates on how to prepare students for algebra
May 17, 2018 Dear Mr. Gates, You recently wrote, “Math is one area where we want to generate stronger evidence about what works. What would it take, for example, to get all kids to mastery of Algebra I?” I believe … Continue reading
What I learned at the ResearchED (US) Media Panel
For those still unfamiliar with it, ResearchED is “a grass-roots, teacher led organisation” founded in the UK whose mission is to “raise research literacy, bring people together, promote collaboration, increase awareness, promote research, and explore what works.” It has also … Continue reading
Fewer Students Learning Arithmetic and Algebra
by Jerome Dancis This summer, I obtained the college remediation data for my state of Maryland. Well just 2014, the latest available. So BCC i.e. before Common Core became the state tests in Maryland. Does anyone know of similar data … Continue reading
What Led to the “Massachusetts Education Miracle”?
Most governors, state commissioners of education, state boards of education, and Chambers of Commerce seem to have an unshakable confidence in Common Core’s standards as the silver bullet that will make all K-12 students college and career ready. This confidence … Continue reading