Say what you will about Achieve, PARCC, Fordham, CCSSO, and NGA— some of the organizations responsible for promoting the Common Core Initiative on us all. But, their financial records are publicly available.
Not so for some other organizations responsible for the same Common Core promotion. The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) and the Center for Research on Educational Standards and Student Testing (CRESST) have absorbed many millions of taxpayer and foundation dollars over the years. But, their financial records have been hidden inside the vast, nebulous cocoon of the University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA). UCLA’s financial records, of course, are publicly available, but amounts there are aggregated at a level that subsumes thousands of separate, individual entities.
UCLA is a tax-supported state institution, however, and California has an open records law on the books. After some digging, I located the UCLA office responsible for records requests and wrote to them. Following is a summary of our correspondence to date:
July 5, 2017
I hope that you can help me. I have spent a considerable amount of time clicking around in search of financial reports for the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) and the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST), both “housed” at UCLA (or, until just recently in SBAC’s case). Even after many hours of web searching, I still have no clue as to where these data might be found.
Both organizations are largely publicly funded through federal grants. I would like to obtain revenue and expenditure detail on the order of what a citizen would expect to see in a nonprofit organization’s Form 990. I would be happy to search through a larger data base that contains relevant financial details for all of UCLA, so long as the details for SBAC and CRESST are contained within and separately labeled.
I would like annual records spanning the lifetimes of each organization: SBAC only goes back several years, but CRESST goes back to the 1980s (in its early years, it was called the Center for the Study of Evaluation).
Please tell me what I need to do next.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Best Wishes, Richard Phelps
July 6, 2017
RE: Acknowledgement of Public Records Request – PRR # 17-4854
Dear Mr. Phelps:
This letter is to acknowledge your request under the California Public Records Act (CPRA) dated July 5, 2017, herein enclosed. Information Practices (IP) is notifying the appropriate UCLA offices of your request and will identify, review, and release all responsive documents in accordance with relevant law and University policy.
Under the CPRA, Cal. Gov’t Code Section 6253(b), UCLA may charge for reproduction costs and/or programming services. If the cost is anticipated to be greater than $50.00 or the amount you authorized in your original request, we will contact you to confirm your continued interest in receiving the records and your agreement to pay the charges. Payment is due prior to the release of the records.
As required under Cal. Gov’t Code Section 6253, UCLA will respond to your request no later than the close of business on July 14, 2017. Please note, though, that Section 6253 only requires a public agency to make a determination within 10 days as to whether or not a request is seeking records that are publicly disclosable and, if so, to provide the estimated date that the records will be made available. There is no requirement for a public agency to actually supply the records within 10 days of receiving a request, unless the requested records are readily available. Still, UCLA prides itself on always providing all publicly disclosable records in as timely a manner as possible.
Should you have any questions, please contact me at (310) 794-8741 or via email at and reference the PRR number found above in the subject line.
Paula Hill
Assistant Manager, Information Practices
July 14, 2017
RE: Public Records Request – PRR # 17-4854
Dear Mr. Phelps:
The purpose of this letter is to confirm that UCLA Information Practices (IP) continues to work on your public records request dated July 5, 2017. As allowed pursuant to Cal. Gov’t Code Section 6253(c), we require additional time to respond to your request, due to the following circumstance(s):
The need to search for and collect the requested records from field facilities or other establishments that are separate from the office processing the request.
IP will respond to your request no later than the close of business on July 28, 2017 with an estimated date that responsive documents will be made available.
Should you have any questions, please contact me at (310) 794-8741 or via email at and reference the PRR number found above in the subject line.
Paula Hill
Assistant Manager, Information Practices
July 28, 2017
Dear Mr. Phelps,
Please know UCLA Information Practices continues to work on your public records request, attached for your reference. I will provide a further response regarding your request no later than August 18, 2017.
Should you have any questions, please contact me at (310) 794-8741 or via email and reference the PRR number found above in the subject line.
Kind regards,
Paula Hill
Assistant Manager
UCLA Information Practices
July 29, 2017
Thank you. RP
August 18, 2017
Re: Public Records Request – PRR # 17-4854
Dear Mr. Richard Phelps:
UCLA Information Practices (IP) continues to work on your public records request dated July 5, 2017. As required under Cal. Gov’t Code Section 6253, and as noted in our email communication with you on July 28, 2017, we are now able to provide you with the estimated date that responsive documents will be made available to you, which is September 29, 2017.
As the records are still being compiled and/or reviewed, we are not able at this time to provide you with any potential costs, so that information will be furnished in a subsequent communication as soon as it is known.
Should you have any questions, please contact me at (310) 794-8741 or via email at and reference the PRR number found above in the subject line.
Paula Hill
Assistant Manager, Information Practices
September 29, 2017
Dear Mr. Richard Phelps,
Unfortunately, we must revise the estimated availability date regarding your attached request as the requisite review has not yet been completed. We expect to provide a complete response by November 30, 2017. We apologize for the delay.
Should you have any questions, please contact our office at (310) 794-8741 or via email, and reference the PRR number found above in the subject line.
Best regards,
UCLA Information Practices
September 29, 2017
I believe that if you are leaving it up to CRESST and SBAC to voluntarily provide the information, they will not be ready Nov. 30 either. RP