A semi-taboo area of insufficient discussion is the reliability of the test score data from the statewide, nationwide, and international standard tests; for example, our National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), but not nearly just the NAEP test scores. You can learn about all of the reliability issues from experts like Richard Phelps, and Richard Innes.
I have frequently raised concerns about test score data generated by exams that don’t impact the students that take them; that is, where a poor effort by a student does not adversely impact the student. The norm for most national, international, and some statewide standardized testing is that the students taking them have no incentive to give their top effort. NAEP – the so-called nation’s report card is among the no-stakes-for-the-students. Expressing a concern for that data reliability in an e-mail or a conversation issue nearly always yields no response, or a vague, dismissive response; something approaching ‘emperor has no clothes’ proportions.
The discovery that prompted this blog was Richard Phelps’ pronouncement that:
“Indeed, one drawback to the standardized student tests with no stakes for the students is that student effort does not just vary, it varies differently by demographic sub-group. The economists who like to use such scores for measuring school and teacher value-added just assume away these and other critical flaws.”
So, while such test scores might be broadly accurate – more substantive persuasion please – they may just be numbers masquerading as data for some of the uses they have been put to. And it’s another reason to question the current system’s extensive reliance on top-down-only-accountability to formal authority that must be based on objective apple-to-apple comparisons. We need robust universal parental school choice to exploit subjective, bottom-up-accountability to clients; to employ a mix of top-down and bottom-up accountability to manage a system of diverse children and educators.
I’m willing to rely on NAEP and PISA test score data (etc.), with some reservations and reticence, because the data are consistent with the high stakes data and other indicators of school system effectiveness, and with established economic theory. But the no-stakes-for-the-students test score issue needs a lot more study and discussion.
Richard Phelps – http://richardphelps.net/Phelps_primer.pdf
Richard Innes – http://educationblog.ncpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/JSC-NAEP-Data-Issues-from-Innes-for-V-6-2.pdf
emperor has no clothes – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor%27s_New_Clothes
pronouncement – http://nonpartisaneducation.org/blog1/2015/02/24/no-child-left-behind-renewal-blinders-on-the-education-policy-horse/